Attention: Entrepreneurs Looking For The #1 Thing Guaranteed To Double Your Business QUICKLY!
As Seen On:
As Seen On:
On How To Write, Publish & Market Your Own Bestselling Book!
You’ll Learn How To . . .
In Short -- You’ll Discover How to Make Other Books on Your Subject Obsolete
PLUS: Robert Will Show You Exactly How To Generate $100/Word From Your Book! And Much More!
Becoming a bestselling author can provide you with . . .
Instant Credibility
When you’re a bestselling author people look at you differently, respect you more and want to know your ideas.
Instant Prestige
When you’re a bestselling author you own a title that makes you stand out from the crowd and puts you on a pedestal that other people notice and respect.
Instant Access
When you’re a bestselling author people want to know you and learn about your ideas, so they’ll invite you into privileged company and the halls of power that you’d never have access to otherwise.
Instant Legacy
When you’re a bestselling author you create a legacy that lasts long after you’re gone and can influence people, groups, industries and events for generations to come.
Instant Income
When you’re a bestselling author you can build a business around that status that provides multiple streams of income and builds generational wealth.
Get the Credibility, Prestige, Access, Legacy & Income Opportunities Of A
Bestselling Author As Robert Allen Unlocks The Secrets To Take Your Book To The Top. . .
And Unveils His Own Ten-Point Bestselling Author Blueprint That’s Sold 4 Million Books & Generated $1 BILLION Dollars!
Get on the Fast-Track to Bestselling Author Status, Including:
Get the Credibility, Prestige, Access, Legacy & Income Opportunities Of A
Bestselling Author As Robert Allen Unlocks The Secrets To Take Your Book To The Top. . .
And Unveils His Own Ten-Point Bestselling Author Blueprint That’s Sold 4 Million Books & Generated $1 BILLION Dollars!
Get on the Fast-Track to Bestselling Author Status, Including:
Discover the Little-Known Secrets that Robert Allen Used To
Get on the Fast-Track to Bestselling Author Status, Including:
How to Build an Effective Funnel & Platform to Market Your Book . . .
How to Build an Effective Funnel & Platform to Market Your Book . . .
Your Fortune Funnel
Your Fortune Funnel
Your Profit Platform
Avoiding the 12 Mistakes All New Authors Make:
Most first-time writers . . .
Market Your Book. . .
to credibility, prestige, access to power, legacy and
wealth through multiple channels of income, many of
them passive!
traditional publishers until you have the power to cut
great deals that protect your creative rights!
you’re already well-known). Until then, you’ll focus on
“them” and write to solve their most urgent problems or
enhance their most ardent passions!
writing to market an entire business with multiple
streams of income and a marketing plan and funnel to
drive sales!
exact marketing blueprint Robert Allen used to sell 4
million books and generate $1 BILLION dollars!
they're lucky, they’ll earn a 20% royalty. You’ll use a
tried and true marketing funnel to build a database of
customers that YOU own and from whom you’ll collect
the vast majority of revenue from selling books and
other products for years to come!
through Robert’s own process, along with a big, bold
promise and the step-by-step process for delivering on
your big, bold promise to create raving fans, thirsting
for more from you!
publisher will) while you’ll learn why hardcover books
create inherent value that will drive your business
books on your subject obsolete! That’s not a dream, it’s
a fact if you follow Robert’s blueprint.
shared values, communication styles and approaches
to problems and opportunities. So, it’s easy to end up
with a book full of cliches even if your ideas are bold
and new. You’ll avoid this trap that so many new writers
fall into by applying Robert’s strategies to ensure your
copy is fresh, original and compelling!
broad, cast a wide net and attempt to catch as many
fish as possible. You’ll write for a niche audience and a carefully developed core avatar, knowing that the book
is part of a much larger business!
craft the journey based on their most compelling
passions or urgent needs!
From Ordinary & Boring to Unique & Exciting
Thousands of books are published every day. Robert will show you exactly how to make yours stand out from the rest
From Fuzzy & Dull to Clear & Razor Sharp
Most books simply don’t deliver on their promise, because most writers don’t know how to make the right promise and deliver it in a compelling system. Your book will make a big, bold promise and deliver!
From Flat & Boring to Resonant & Compelling
Most writers don’t know when to use messaging words and when to use marketing words. You’ll learn exactly when and where to use each and deliver a memorable book that leaves readers asking for more!
From Long, Hard, Slow & Complicated to Short, Easy, Fast & Simple
People don’t want complicated solutions to their problems or a slow path to their desires. Your book will deliver a simple but powerful pathway that leads your readers to where they urgently want to go!
From Merely Good but Forgettable to Revolutionary & Buzzworthy
Incremental change or progress is good, but forgettable. Revolutionary change or progress is exciting and buzzworthy. That’s what your book will deliver from cover to chapter titles to the process you share with readers!
Robert Kiyosaki
I have tremendous respect for Robert Allen. We read Robert’s book, Creating Wealth, over 30 years ago. Following Robert’s real estate plan, my wife bought 20 properties in only 18 months. We now own 7,000 properties. This success inspired me to write the Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books that have now sold over 40 million copies worldwide. Thanks, Bob! $20,000 a year— in debt up to my eyeballs. You showed me how to write a book called Lose Your Back Pain. Today I’m making $200,000 per month and there are over a million copies of my books in print.
Stephen R. Covey
I took a college class from Professor Covey in 1970. His example inspired me to write my #1 New York Times bestseller 10 years later. Thereafter, his editor invited me give suggestions on the Dr. Covey’s manuscript for The 7 Habits. Then, Dr. Covey hired my marketing director to apply some of my marketing strategies to help make The 7 Habits a global publishing phenomenon.
T. Harv Eker
Robert Allen was one of my early friends and mentors. His books and seminars inspired me write my own bestselling books that have sold millions of copies worldwide.
Judge Glenda Hatchett
Hi, Bob. I truly count your friendship as a special blessing in my life. Thank you for your most generous endorsement of my new book. Giving thanks in advance and claiming it as a best seller.
Mark Victor Hansen
Chicken Soup for the Soul is the largest series of books in the history of the world co-authored by my friends, Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen. During this time, Mark Victor Hansen and I co-authored three #1 bestselling books that have reached millions of readers worldwide. We both learned a lot from each other.
Lance Edwards
I bought your book, Multiple Streams of Income in 2001 and became a Protégé of your trainings. In 3 short years I retired from my corporate job. My first book became a #1 bestseller on Amazon and has sold tens of thousands of books. Through my seminars and books we’ve impacted thousands of students. Thanks a million, Bob.
Greg Poulos
Hi Bob,
We just finished the first wave of a product launch and in 10 days we did $2M in sales. We think we can do another $3M by the end of theyear with this product, too. Brian Tracy will be mailing for it this week, so it could get interesting. Thanks again for all your mentoring.
Jerome Tan
Hi Robert, I attended your program about 7 years ago in Singapore when I was a bankrupt. Today I own 7 Businesses, more than 30 properties, passive income of $25,000 month & I make $250,000 every 3 months. I want to thank you for all the knowledge that you shared during your program. God bless!
Alfio Bardolla
Thanks, Robert for your example and mentoring over the years. I am now the number #1 financial expert in Italy and soon the entire world. Thanks to your help, I am a multiple bestselling author with millions of readers all over Europe.
Shinsuke Fujihiro
My first book that you helped me write is called "How To Recover from Poverty" It’s already gone through 4 printings with 10,000 copies sold. It’s ranked in the top 5 best sellers at one of the biggest and famous bookstores in Japan. Thanks a million!
NO! In fact, if you're a first-time writer this is THE perfect event to attend. Robert will help you avoid crushing mistakes first-time writers make that derail their dreams AND he'll give you a complete blueprint for developing every aspect of your first book to make it a bestseller!
Writing a bestseller is much more about having a bestseller blueprint than it is about winning creative writing awards. In fact, simple, straightforward prose is what most people want. Nobody has the time or the patience for 500 page tomes! So, whether you're a Shakespeare or you don't know a participle from a pronoun, you can write a bestselling book!
The key is to build an effective outline and create your book as a series of very manageable-to-write sections. Robert will show you exactly how to turn your idea into a system, your system into a map and your map into a concise outline. From there, he'll give you lots of options for creating time in your day to get your book done. When you see the massive upside your book can provide in your life, you'll find the time to finish it!
YES! In fact, the process you'll follow during your two days with Robert actually begins from that place: what should your book be about and why? You'll find that your subject matter will become very clear once you learn the true purpose of your first book and how to use it to catapult your life and your business to a level you've only dreamt of until now!
If you're an experienced writer with publications under your belt you'll find the Summit to be an opportunity to re-think your strategies, re-imagine the level of success you can achieve from writing books and plan your next book to be a bestseller that seeds an entire business with multiple streams of income, while it builds your prestige, credibility and access to people and groups you've never had access to before